What was the secret to unlocking this weight loss struggle? Amy's Story

Little did I know what freedom would come from what I knew as a "weight loss" program. Of course, I was the typical dieter. If I saw a new infomercial, I would convince myself, this must be the one that works and I would "try" it for a month and fail. Or, I would commit to eating healthy for the week and reward my efforts on the weekend only to gain back my progress from the week, hence the yo, yo dieting.


He Transformed Food into Something Wonderful

Shay's Story: Before Grace and Strength, I can honestly say that my relationship with food was very unhealthy. I would call myself a "foodie" who loved to go out to eat and try new foods and drinks! That is what I would look forward to every day. The idea of food became an idol in my life that consumed my every thought. All day I would be thinking about places I wanted to try and recipes I wanted to cook at home.


I did NOT Accomplish this on My Own - Coleen's Story and Video

Coleen's Story: This journey officially started for me as I was looking at pictures of myself from my daughter's wedding last summer. I was amazed at how large I had become! It saddened me to look at myself and realize that I had been gaining steadily over the last 20 years with a sharp jump of 30 pounds in the last three years! How could this happen? I realized that the majority of the clothing I had purchased only three years ago no longer fit!!!


You Gave Me Back My Confidence - Tammy's Story

I grew up as the proverbial skinny girl --- so much so that I was referred to as Olive Oyl most of my life! I was 40+ years old when I began struggling with weight issues. As a mom, wife and full time account executive my full efforts in life were spent taking care of everyone around me every day. From my 4 kids (my youngest having several major health issues), my work, my spouse as well as my friends and church family, I always found myself too tired to take care of me at the end of the day.


Food Did Not Comfort Me - Betty's Journey

Food was my comfort except, it did not comfort me. My journey with Grace and Strength began early January 2016. I had put on 45 pounds since the death of my 43 year old daughter in a tragic motorcycle accident. Food was my comfort except it did not comfort me. I had been on a program similar to this 2 or 3 years ago but I was looking for something more. The spiritual part was missing in my previous  weight loss and I knew that the spiritual was all a part of the whole.


Ready to Start Your Journey?

Are you ready to show YOURSELF some LOVE? Making your well being a priority is not about being selfish. This is about putting yourself first so that you can love and serve others well. We want to see you find wholeness, health, and freedom in every area of your life! We want you to love yourself!

If you are hesitating over a choice of a suitable program, check out how it works.

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