Emily Wenger Success Story

Wow. As I write this testimony the words nearly fail me. I cannot even begin to describe the transformation that God has worked in my life through the Grace and Strength Program and losing weight. It took me approximately 1 year to lose nearly half of my body size and go from a size 22/24 to a 4/6. Tears come to my eyes as I write 4/6.* I never thought I would be that girl, the one who could lose weight and be successful.


Avocado Shrimp and Salsa

There has been a recipe going around Facebook that looks so good, and I decided yesterday that I just had to try it. I tweaked it a bit to my liking, so you can do the same! My opinion is that it looked better than it really was. I love shrimp and I love avocado, but for some reason this wasn't too great. Maybe because I left some of the ingredients out? Or maybe avocado and shrimp just don't fit well together?


Cyndi Benson

Clean Eating For Kids

Over the last couple weeks the Grace and Strength Lifestyle team has been covering the popular topic of "Clean Eating." We have broken down the definition of "Clean Eating." Discussed the benefits which result in clean eating and have given simple, yet practical steps on how to get started in this lifestyle.


Cyndi Benson

Avocado Dressing

Oh, how I love avocados! I had never eaten one before doing Grace and Strength, and I can say it was love at first bite! I made this dressing a few weeks ago and I have drizzled it over meat and salads--it's great for both! If you've made this before then leave a comment with your favorite variations! This clean eating recipe is for Phase 3 and 4!


Cyndi Benson

Chocolate Sauce

My kids have been asking for chocolate syrup lately but I am having a hard time finding any that doesn't have HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). I've added this to one more item we'll be making at home! This recipe worked well, was easy to make, and they like it! I used coconut sugar because it's the healthiest option for us. You can use this sauce on fruit, ice cream, in milk, or wherever you need a chocolate fix!


Cyndi Benson

Ready to Start Your Journey?

Are you ready to show YOURSELF some LOVE? Making your well being a priority is not about being selfish. This is about putting yourself first so that you can love and serve others well. We want to see you find wholeness, health, and freedom in every area of your life! We want you to love yourself!

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