Chicken Salad Wrap with Greek Yogurt

If you're looking for a delicious way to change up how you prepare your chicken, this clean eating chicken salad wrap recipe is a sure way to accomplish that! When Margo first mentioned adding Greek yogurt to her grilled chicken, I took my time trying this, but am so glad I did! It is now a family favorite!!


Cyndi Benson

I went from 349.8 to 199.8 a total of 140 pounds lost - Sarah's Story

I am not 100% sure how to start my story...Like many of you I have always struggled with my weight, then at some point in my 30's I lost the struggle and things got out of control. I loved food and I loved eating, but I overindulged all the time. If I was happy, sad, stressed or bored I would find a reason to eat. I would stay up late and eat ice cream out of the container, pretending if no one saw me then it would be ok.


Clean Eating Grilled Fish Tacos

If you are seafood lover and yet also love a little taste of Mexican cuisine this recipe for clean eating grilled fish tacos is sure to wet your taste buds. Ditch the frying pan and mayo and throw this on your grill instead for a hot summer evening. Top it off with a flavor enhancing, nutrient-rich pineapple salsa. My favorite fish to grill is Mahi Mahi, a white flaky fish yet firm in texture that holds up beautifully on the grill.


Cyndi Benson

Katie Wenger Success Story - Grace and Strength Diet

I am here to tell you that I was completely entangled in captivity to an unhealthy relationship with food. I am 24 years old. I would say that for the first 22 ½ years of my life, I never thought about the consequences of the food I was putting in my mouth. Now, I always was overweight and I loathed that aspect of myself, but I never understood the deeper bondage brought on by my addiction to food.


Homemade Ketchup

I don't know about you, but I think that a little bit of ketchup can make any dish taste great! Here is a super easy recipe to make your own, and it's Phase 2 approved! Homemade Ketchup ... yummm!!


Cyndi Benson

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