It's Barbecue Time

It's that time of year--the smell of BBQ grills fills the air and the sound of friends and family enjoying time outside is heard often! Here are two great ideas to take along to your next picnic or barbecue! These recipes are Phase 2 approved! BBQ Seasoning and Coleslaw!


Cyndi Benson

Do You Eat When You Are Happy

What? Happiness you ask? Why would happiness cause us to eat? Let's Take a Look...Celebrations with food are biblical, actually the very first miracle Jesus did was turn water into wine. But the fall of man involved a piece of fruit. It's up to us to discern what is 'healthy' for us and to know when it is okay and when it might create a fall.


Cyndi Benson

Strawberry Soup

Years ago I went to a local tea room with my mom, and they served the most delicious strawberry soup for lunch. This has become a summertime favorite for my family ever since, and this year I'm making it just a bit more healthy! Here is a Phase 2 version that will definitely hit the spot on a hot afternoon! This counts as a fruit and dairy serving on Phase 2.


Cyndi Benson

Sadness and Emotional Eating

Think about how often food is offered during times of sadness. A little kid skins their knee when they fall off their bike, you offer them a cookie and all is right with the world again. You get a shot at the doctor's office and they give you a lollipop because you were so brave. We have been trained since we were little kids to equate food with feeling better. We learn to eat to shove down our emotions. Food becomes our comfort; it makes the hurt go way.


Cyndi Benson

How to Conquer the Boredom that Leads to Emotional Eating

How to Conquer the Boredom that Leads to Emotional Eating: Have you ever been on a long road trip and just felt the urge to eat for no apparent reason? You're sitting in the car, just finished lunch, your stomach is not growling, as a matter of fact, it feels a little full. You're not even anywhere near the smell or sight of food. You have no symptoms of hunger. None. Yet, in spite of all this, you have an overwhelming need to just munch on something. Sure you do.


Cyndi Benson

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