Peace: Is it in you?

Peace. Such a strong word. No matter what angle you're coming from, it means the same thing, but has so many different levels of gravity to settle in. Peace. What does it mean to you? Are you familiar with it? Is there is peace in your home? Is there peace in your life at all? Or does peace resemble a circular symbol you saw in the 60's a time or two...maybe a hand gesture that has completely lost its meaning? Sadly enough, peace is something that may be a rare occurrence to some.


Cyndi Benson

Embracing Freedom through a Christian Diet

As we approach the Fourth of July Holiday, it is always a great time of the year to reflect on our freedoms. Not only the constitutional freedoms we have and celebrate in the United States, but personal, individual ones that are just as near and dear to us as well.  Today I want to talk to you about the freedom that can come through a Christian Diet Program. Webster's dictionary defines freedom as: the state of being free; exemption from the power and control of another.


Cyndi Benson

God says what...???

Life ... something we all must face and learn to get through the best way we can. We all experience (and love) the good times, but being human, we all experience those rougher, tougher, hard times too. I've learned it's not what we go through in life, it's how we choose to get through it.


Born to Win - Mind, Body, and Soul

Did you know that you were born to win? Today we are going to tear down any thought or imagination that might be telling you that you can never win, and we are going to see how easy it is to step into the victory that each of us are created to have.  I want to show you that you were born to win.


Cyndi Benson

Defiance: A Grace and Strength Lifestyle struggle

For whatever reason, it seems to be Human nature to want to be in control of every aspect of our lives. So much so that when we "commit" to something, at some point we forget what we committed to and go our own way. When its pointed out that we are off track, we can get downright defensive and nasty. We don't want to take control of the responsibility of our own mistakes. We would rather blame shift than admit WE screwed up.


Cyndi Benson

Ready to Start Your Journey?

Are you ready to show YOURSELF some LOVE? Making your well being a priority is not about being selfish. This is about putting yourself first so that you can love and serve others well. We want to see you find wholeness, health, and freedom in every area of your life! We want you to love yourself!

If you are hesitating over a choice of a suitable program, check out how it works.

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