The Correlation Between Sleep and Weight Loss

Are sleep and weight loss correlated? Absolutely! How much sleep do you usually get? Did you know that getting less sleep will give you more maintain days and slower losses?? Sleep is critical to our brains and bodies to work on a functional level. The Seven Pillars of Health book by Don Colbert, MD outlines sleep and rest in chapter two. I'm just going to go over the important parts to outline the chapter for you.


Cyndi Benson

Hot Cocoa

I don't know about where you are, but when it gets cold, some days I just want to curl up by the fire and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa! So, I turn to this Grace and Strength approved Phase 2 Hot Cocoa recipe!  It's yummy and hits the spot when I want something sweet!  I hope you enjoy it, too!


Cyndi Benson

Pathway to freedom and a big ol hug from God!

Finally, the day has come that I get to introduce two of the most precious ladies, Katie and Emily; sisters, best friends, and a true blessing!  Here is a sneak peak into their pathway to freedom, thus far, as they continue to venture down their weight loss journey to become who God created them to be with a combined weight loss of 200+ pounds!*  Yes, that's a loss of more than 100 pounds each, and they're not done yet!!! 


Go Thank yourself: A Grace And Strength Thanksgiving perspective

Go Thank yourself! Its funny that we save one day out of the year to celebrate thankfulness. We do this by taking a day off work, cooking massive amounts of food, we gather around in large groups of family and friends and gorge on food we might not eat but once a year. We then laze around the rest of the day complaining that we ate too much, then we start again on left overs. Some of us eat so much that in all reality we should be thankful that its over because we ate ourselves sick!


Cyndi Benson

A Slice of Pumpkin Pie

Whether it is Thanksgiving or any major holiday, I know that baked goods are going to be a big temptation for some. That's why I spent last night creating this Grace and Strength Phase 2 approved pumpkin pie recipe!


Cyndi Benson

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Are you ready to show YOURSELF some LOVE? Making your well being a priority is not about being selfish. This is about putting yourself first so that you can love and serve others well. We want to see you find wholeness, health, and freedom in every area of your life! We want you to love yourself!

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