Chocolate Dip - All Natural

This chocolate dip can be consumed while on Phase 2, Phase 3 or Phase 4. Dip your fruit and enjoy!!


Cyndi Benson

Listening Ears

It seems everyone has an opinion about something. Whether its food, politics, religion, children, EVERYONE considers themselves an expert on something. There are countless blogs out there that cover everything from personal struggles to how to do things your way. I posted on a runners blog about how you maintain training regimen when you are traveling... The most difficult thing I have found is deciding who to listen to.


Cyndi Benson

Going the distance

It's interesting to reflect on all this running I'm doing. I just realized that since I started, I've logged over 300 miles. This week alone was 36.03 miles. That's quite a ways. It's amazing to me that in the midst of doing that, I don't think about how far I've gone. I just focus on how far I have to go one day at a time. Over the course of 54 some odd hours, I've traveled a good distance, yet it doesn't feel like it.


Cyndi Benson

A Portrait of Your Love

This is something that came to me on this mornings run. I had to work out the details in my head a little longer, but I wanted to share it with you as I feel that it embodies the desire of The Grace and Strength Lifestyle coaches for themselves as well as each of you. My prayer is that you see yourself as the work of art that God created you to be. Pray Seek Believe Receive. David Michael Rose...


Cyndi Benson

The many faces of this journey...

Starting this journey I truly had no clue what to expect. I had many emotions and I was so afraid of failing again like I had time and time again. Something was different this time...was it just the fact that I was finally, completely ready more than ever in my life, was it the accountability and coaching of the program I was starting, or was it me relying more than ever on God to do this...I think it was all of it combined! Something clicked in me, I don't even know how to explain it.


Ready to Start Your Journey?

Are you ready to show YOURSELF some LOVE? Making your well being a priority is not about being selfish. This is about putting yourself first so that you can love and serve others well. We want to see you find wholeness, health, and freedom in every area of your life! We want you to love yourself!

If you are hesitating over a choice of a suitable program, check out how it works.

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