Mom of triplets loses 58 lbs in little over 3 1/2 months on Grace & Strength!!!

Meet Kelly! Kelly is an AMAZING mother of Triplets...yep...that's right TRIPLET GIRLS! Now let me tell you, they are just so adorable and her and her husband have done such an amazing job of raising these beautiful girls! She has an amazing story to tell and when she gets to goal, I cannot wait to share it with you all but for now I want to give you a teaser shall we say! She has lost 58 lbs in a little over 3 1/2 months....that right there is just A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!


Rewarding Yourself When You Lose Weight Fast!

How many times have you thought..."If I lose 20lbs, I'll reward myself with a big chocolate cupcake or a fancy dinner at my favorite restaurant!" During the Grace and Strength Program, it is not uncommon to lose 10-15lbs each month!*  So, you'll want to ensure that you have rewards ready for when you lose the weigh fast. When you work hard enough to lose any amount of weight, what is the point of rewarding yourself with something unhealthy that will just make you feel guilty and defeated?!


Cyndi Benson

Framework: The Pressure to Execute

College football practice for the new 2012-13 season started July 1st. It's always interesting to watch because these players are analyzed on ALOT of categories. Height, Weight, Jumping Ability, Grades in College, Family Background, Statistics on the field, etc. If we were to watch one of these top 20 teams you would notice they are being video taped on every move and play during practice. What if your life was constantly being taped for review by a group of coaches?


Cyndi Benson

I wore my shame on the outside

Karisse's Story - I have struggled with my weight and body image my entire life. When I was nine my favorite past times were reading and doing crafts. It was at a health check up that year when I heard my doctor tell my mom to get me into an active past-time "because I was fat". I remember shame filling me as I stood there, because I hadn't realized there wasn't anything wrong with me. Until I heard that word: Fat. I remember holding back tears as my mom grabbed my hand and we stormed out...


Finding Myself Again Through A Christian Diet Program

Throughout my childhood, I never had a weight problem.  I was thin, active, and overall healthy.  I ate anything I wanted and kept my "cute little figure". I remember my mom telling me that I needed to be careful, that things might not  always be this way.  I didn't believe her (I was a teenager--I knew everything!). Then I grew up, got married,  and while pregnant with my first baby the military moved us 16 hours from my home.  This was the beginning of my spiral downward.


Ready to Start Your Journey?

Are you ready to show YOURSELF some LOVE? Making your well being a priority is not about being selfish. This is about putting yourself first so that you can love and serve others well. We want to see you find wholeness, health, and freedom in every area of your life! We want you to love yourself!

If you are hesitating over a choice of a suitable program, check out how it works.

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