Just Eat It - Finding Grace In Dieting

Just Eat It - Finding Grace In Dieting. Something tells me that when Weird Al reworked Michael Jackson's hit song into the the "Eat It" parody, he never in a million years imagined that we'd be borrowing the chorus line For a Christian Blog Post about dieting. After all, most of us reading this post have at one time or another fully embraced the "Just Eat It" philosophy. We did like the Cap'n Crunch and Raisin Bran. We got our dessert because we finished our plate.


Cyndi Benson

5 Tips for Eating Healthy on the Run

For most Americans, there is probably not any time of the year that is busier than the holiday season. Getting the house ready for guests, traveling to visit far away family in distant lands, and the never ending trips to stores of all kinds can leave us feeling like underpaid taxi drivers. Since most of the activities we find ourselves immersed in during the holidays aren't going to change any time soon, it makes eating on the run pretty much unavoidable from time to time during this season.


Cyndi Benson

Ten Healthier Alternatives To Holiday Favorites

As we continue in our series 8 Easy Tips For Keeping Your Holidays Healthy, we understand that nearly everyone reading these posts are going to sit down somewhere for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. We also know that there are a few dishes that traditionally 'need' to be prepared and feasted on during those meals. With that in mind, we've decided to give you some more options by coming up with our own list of 'Ten Healthier Alternatives To Holiday Favorites'.


Cyndi Benson

Shelli Cornwell Loses 100 Pounds

In today's post, highlighting the inspiring story of a 40 year old single mother of two sons who has lost 100 pounds with the Grace and Strength Lifestyle Diet. I have struggled with weight most of my life, and over the years I have tried many weight loss plans and read a lot of magazines on improving health. One day my co-worker mentioned how much weight her sister had lost through "The Grace & Strength Lifestyle". I thought to myself there is no way someone could lose 90 pounds in five months.


How to Keep Your Kids Happy and Healthy During the Holidays

The holiday season is quickly approaching, and you may be thinking . . .Sweets are EVERYWHERE!! I mean, seriously? We walk through giant gingerbread houses at the mall, the scent of peppermint mocha's on every corner, our children are even supposed to have 'visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads.' Besides, Christmas is about all things confections, sweet and delectable, right? How can I possibly implement healthy eating and not be Scrooge this holiday season?


Cyndi Benson

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