Listening to old voices with new ears

My favorite singer/songwriter is John Hiatt. I have had the distinct honor and pleasure of meeting him on numerous occasions. He wrote a song a few years back that contained the line..."I'm just listening to old voices with new ears..." This line has resonated with me for years but never so much as it has in the past few weeks. I have been trying to overcome the negative attitude that is associated with an injury...


Cyndi Benson

Do it. Live by example.

Today is a milestone in the life of a friend of mine. She is running 5K race today. Something that she didn't think she would ever do and yet over the past few months she has purposed in her heart and mind to do what was necessary to prepare for this. What a wonderful feeling to set a goal for yourself that takes you out of your comfort zone and then to accomplish that. The sense of fulfillment is amazing. The feeling of "I can do anything I set my mind to" is amazing.


Cyndi Benson


I have a daily routine I have fallen into. I eat, sleep pee poop, run eat work, in day out. I always am thankful that it's not drink, pop pill, stumble stumble slur slur pass out anymore. However, today as I ran I had my eyes opened to the fact that even believers can fall into a 'mundane' routine. As I ran, I noticed it was harder than yesterday, that I had to work a little more to get up the hills.


Cyndi Benson

You Don't Have The Right to Say I Can't

Many of us set goals for ourselves. Some do it daily, some set weekly goals and some have a "bucket list" that they hope to accomplish within their lifetime. I set a goal to run a half marathon this year. I started the process a few months ago and I am still heading in that direction. Funny thing about goals, once you set them, you really have to work at making progress. I realized a long time ago, that you have to intentionally purpose time towards working toward your goal.


Cyndi Benson

The Why, The Who, The What. OH MY!

Have you ever stopped to consider, why do you believe the things you believe? Who taught you these core values? What do you really believe? Some of us had the fortune of being raised in a home where "decent" core family values were at least taught, even if they weren't "lived". Many of us have held on to beliefs passed down from our family, and yet we really don't know what we believe or even Why.


Cyndi Benson

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