...take a sledgehammer and smash that scale to bits!

I have nothing but the highest Praise for the Grace and Strength program. I've done countless other diets and I lost weight on many of them but when I reached a good weight my attitude turned to thinking I was "done dieting". I never dealt with the root issues – my wrong thinking, the idolatrous desire for immediate gratification, the emotional garbage that drove me to eat when I wasn't hungry! So it was always just a matter of time before I returned to old behaviors.


Jumping for Joy - Monica's Morning Minute

In today's episode of Monica's Morning Minute, Coach Monica shares a heartfelt story from her childhood struggle with obesity. It's hard to believe that someone who is now a role model of fitness was ever challenged with weight, but now Coach Monica is a shining example of the change that the Lord can make in a person's life when the truly surrender to Him.


Finding Worth Without the Mirror - A Photographer's Perspective

Starting off by way of a quick introduction, my name is Jeremy Binns... Recently I read a quote by coach Monica that really touched a chord with me, and I knew instantly that I wanted to write a post inspired by her words. This is what she wrote, "Your worth is not defined in a mirror. Your worth is defined in God."


Cyndi Benson

I feel like I've been given a fresh start. - Theresa's Story

Seems like all my life I've been able to eat anything I wanted without thinking much about it...and never really gaining any weight. Even after having four children I was always able to reclaim my body. Well, soon after entering my 40's I began to notice I wasn't quite as slim and trim as I used to be. I failed over the next few years at keeping off the excess weight and finally came to a place where I realized I needed that extra push and some accountability.


Weight Loss and the Vicious Cycle of Defeat - Melissa's Story

For years I have struggled with a vicious cycle of defeat. While I have been active and athletic for my entire life, I allowed myself to gain weight over the last decade and used some of life's major events (having 2 boys, work and travel, etc.) as justification for that weight gain and un-healthy lifestyle.


Ready to Start Your Journey?

Are you ready to show YOURSELF some LOVE? Making your well being a priority is not about being selfish. This is about putting yourself first so that you can love and serve others well. We want to see you find wholeness, health, and freedom in every area of your life! We want you to love yourself!

If you are hesitating over a choice of a suitable program, check out how it works.

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