Idols of the Heart - Introduction
Series: Idols of the Heart

Idols of the Heart - Introduction

Have you ever been in a situation where your thoughts are so consumed with an issue or an area in your life that there is no room for anything else? You try and get other things done, take your mind off of this thing, but seemingly everywhere you turn in your mind that issue or area is determined to dominate your thoughts.

Think with me for a moment … what often consumes your thoughts throughout the day? What do you worry about? What goals do you obsess over? What disappoints you? What do you complain the most about? Where do you go when you find yourself hurting or when you need comfort?

If the answer to any of these things isn't God, then you are allowing something (or perhaps someone) else to take preeminence over God in your thoughts. You are allowing them to take the place of God in your worship and you are in turn serving them.

"Well, that's ridiculous!" you may say, I don't worship worry, or food!

Speaking of food, do you go throughout your day thinking about what you're going to eat next? Does the thought of your next snack or meal excite you? When you think about your next social event, does your mind automatically go to what food will be there? If so, food might control you or be the coping mechanism you are using to fill an area that was never intended to be filled by food. Thinking about it in this way causes us to consider the question differently.

Who (or what) we serve says a lot about who we are.

None of these things in and of themselves are gods, but they can become idols if we allow them to take the place of God in our daily lives. In other words, if we hold on to our worry, fear, or cope with food, or other things we have essentially said, "God, you are not enough to sustain me." Or, we're saying, "God, I can do a better job of managing my life than you can." God's response? "Ok." He is not a dictator. He'll let us have it our way.

Joshua 24:15 says, "Choose you this day whom you will serve"

What "gods" are competing for your heart? Is it food, worry, fear?

Our Heavenly Father is crazy in love with you and He aches when you allow other gods to win your heart. He knows those things can't even come close to giving you what you deeply desire. He alone is the only one that can bring wholeness and true freedom.

This is a choice... to daily choose... You will either choose God or self... We must be purposeful in who we will worship.

Weekly Challenges

Members: Go to the Members Area to view your body, soul, and spirit challenges and submit your feedback. You may need to log in first.

Idols of the Heart - Introduction
Series: Idols of the Heart

Idols of the Heart - Introduction

Have you ever been in a situation where your thoughts are so consumed with an issue or an area in your life that there is no room for anything else? You try and get other things done, take your mind off of this thing, but seemingly everywhere you turn in your mind that issue or area is determined to dominate your thoughts.

Think with me for a moment … what often consumes your thoughts throughout the day? What do you worry about? What goals do you obsess over? What disappoints you? What do you complain the most about? Where do you go when you find yourself hurting or when you need comfort?

If the answer to any of these things isn't God, then you are allowing something (or perhaps someone) else to take preeminence over God in your thoughts. You are allowing them to take the place of God in your worship and you are in turn serving them.

"Well, that's ridiculous!" you may say, I don't worship worry, or food!

Speaking of food, do you go throughout your day thinking about what you're going to eat next? Does the thought of your next snack or meal excite you? When you think about your next social event, does your mind automatically go to what food will be there? If so, food might control you or be the coping mechanism you are using to fill an area that was never intended to be filled by food. Thinking about it in this way causes us to consider the question differently.

Who (or what) we serve says a lot about who we are.

None of these things in and of themselves are gods, but they can become idols if we allow them to take the place of God in our daily lives. In other words, if we hold on to our worry, fear, or cope with food, or other things we have essentially said, "God, you are not enough to sustain me." Or, we're saying, "God, I can do a better job of managing my life than you can." God's response? "Ok." He is not a dictator. He'll let us have it our way.

Joshua 24:15 says, "Choose you this day whom you will serve"

What "gods" are competing for your heart? Is it food, worry, fear?

Our Heavenly Father is crazy in love with you and He aches when you allow other gods to win your heart. He knows those things can't even come close to giving you what you deeply desire. He alone is the only one that can bring wholeness and true freedom.

This is a choice... to daily choose... You will either choose God or self... We must be purposeful in who we will worship.

Weekly Challenges

Members: Go to the Members Area to view your body, soul, and spirit challenges and submit your feedback. You may need to log in first.

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